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It’s our 28th birthday this month!

May 30, 2013


birthday tree




It’s a huge achievement as a small business in Australia to make it to 28 years and something we are very proud of.




Over the past 28 years we have;

  • Taken over 6,500 people on trips all over the World.
  • We’ve explored some of the most well know and least know destinations in the world! Being the first Australian company to bring an Incentive group into Chile….
  • We have taken incentive groups to explore 22% of the world… but we have investigated almost every inch of the world to find something new and wonderful.

World Map

  • Had five marriage proposals made on our clients trips!
  • At least 20,000 bottles of wine and 40,000 bottles of beer have been consumed across all trips (that we can account for)!
  • We have sent hard earned rewards all over Australia, New Zealand and Europe on behalf of our clients programs and seen the rise and fall of ‘hot rewards’ (hot still is anything Apple).
  • We’ve gone from photographing and printing 40 page catalogues that would remain relevant for a 12 month program to now updating product rewards daily on our AwardBank.
  • Regardless of the trends and new developments, the core of what we do has not changed… at the end of the day… individuals like to be appreciated, recognised and rewarded for doing a fantastic job!

We want to thank all our wonderful clients whom have stuck by us for many years! And to our employees who have helped us throughout the many years.  We are only around because of this fantastic support and we more than appreciate it!

It’s the 30th May and we haven’t celebrated yet… but there is nothing wrong with a whole birthday year right?

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