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Incentive Travel – what makes it an incentive and not just a tour?

November 12, 2013

I’ve just returned from an amazing two night sales incentive trip that we developed and ran for a Clients Top Performing Sales People and it was a great example of the value that a quality incentive trip creates for the host company.

Creating unique Incentive Trip’s for our clients is something we get our kicks out of, but I think it’s worth discussing what makes a quality incentive trip. In my experience these are key factors;

UNIQUE It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, whether it’s locally in Australia or in some exotic destination- an Incentive Trip must include unique experiences that as an individual traveller you could not do.

This is not a tour, this is not just about staying in 5-star luxury, incentive travel is about going out of your way to plan an experience that your Top Performers say – ‘WOW, I can’t believe you did all this just for us!’

And often it’s the small, inexpensive touches that are the most unique.

CULTURE Bringing the culture alive in a way that suits your demographics. One thing we’ve learned is that Australians can only handle so many art galleries!  Being able to create an itinerary where your group gets to experience the culture, life as a local and what makes that destination tick, is an art form and an incredibly important part of an Incentive Trip.

CREATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY without realising it…   It’s rare to have the opportunity for a CEO, MD or Director of divisions to have their best performers in one place at one time.  The opportunity this creates for your business is just crazy! Getting to experience one on one time where a relationship can be built, business issues discussed and taken care of in a relaxed environment and then plenty of happy snaps that create a warm and fuzzy memories.  This creates loyalty, cuts down the distance between the ‘big wigs’ and everyone else and humanises an organisation.  

A quality Incentive Trip needs to provide these positive opportunities by being well planned and executed.

THOUGHTFUL Every trip is different; some can range hugely in the participants travel experience, age, health and ideas of a good time. How you handle this and craft your itinerary is such an important part of making your Top Performers feel special and rewarded!

And the obvious things;

LOGISTICS This is a reward and it must feel seamless for the participants. There is always travel time and transfers, but these must be where they are meant to be, at the time they are meant to be.  There must be care and contact but without feeling like your being rounded up like school children.

ON BUDGET Nothing worse than having an amazing trip and to find out on your return it’s gone over budget. This should be planned and controlled at every corner.  

There are so many more important factors in the lead up to the trip and in the post trip follow up…  but get the above right and you are on the way to creating the most unforgettable incentive experiences for your Top Performers!

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